Sea Level Rise Resources for Climate Change Science Teacher Education
This collection of climate change education materials is designed for use in science methods courses. Science methods instructors may use these resources, as a set or individually, to support teacher interns in gaining:
- Familiarity with the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)
- Experience with online and blended learning approaches
- Abilities to analyze and interpret authentic data in the classroom
- Content knowledge related to NGSS science constructs
- Strategies for teaching sensitive topics in the science classroom
- Awareness of K-12 resources to support the teaching of climate change
- Greater understanding of local and global climate change impacts
We invite feedback at Please acknowledge MADE CLEAR when using these materials.
Lesson Plans
Assessment Instruments
Climate change drawing assessment tool |
Tool for assessing teacher interns’ understanding of climate change using the prompt: Draw all that you know about the causes and effects of global climate change.
Sea level rise drawing assessment tool |
Tool for assessing teacher interns’ understanding of sea level rise using the prompt: Draw all that you know about the causes and effects of sea level rise.
Sea level rise multiple choice assessment |
Tool for assessing understandings of science constructs related to sea level rise articulated in the draft learning progression on sea level rise. |
Additional Resources
These materials were designed by Dr. J. Randy McGinnis, Ms. Emily Hestness, Dr. Wayne Breslyn, and Mr. R. Christopher McDonald from the MADE CLEAR Learning Sciences Research team at the University of Maryland, College Park ( Resources were piloted in science methods courses taught by Dr. McGinnis and Ms. Hestness in Fall 2013.